Sunday, February 14, 2010

I really want a thin leather band watch.

I know I'm doing some 90s throw back with this one but I just really want one. I think they look adorable with the right outfit. Obviously it wouldnt be something i wear EVERYDAYbut during the summer I probaby would. during the winter I probably would wear it with my polos and such. Not to sound like a major prep, but I guess I kind of am. I think during the summer its just a way to look tied together even while you are wearing a t-shirt and shorts. Fossil has alot of really cool onesthe one I want so bad the link is below...Its only 75 and for a leather Fossil watch I would say thats pretty good. Especially because leather wacthes are kind of a non dated thing. I guess the only reason it would be weird for me to wear it is because I'm a teenage kid. And we arent known for wearing watches especially this day in age with phones,ipods, and whatever else we have that keeps us in touch with everyone all over the world. But I'm going to bring it back..err..try to...haha I just really like it and REALLY want one. haha (my birthdays friday)..hmmm...we'll see..


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